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Gospel of John Series

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11.19.2023 - Believe and have life, Overview of John - Pastor Harlan Champoux
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11.26.2023 - The Point, John 1:19-34 - Pastor Harlan Champoux
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12.03.2023 - Come and See, John 1:35-51 - Pastor Harlan Champoux
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12.31.2023 - Gospel Intensity, John 2:13-22 - Pastor Harlan Champoux
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01.28.2024 - The Bread of Life, John 6:30-42 - Pastor Harlan Champoux
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03.17.204 - The Resurrection and the Life, John 11:1-53 - Pastor Harlan Champoux
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03.24.2024 - Triumph & Trouble, John 12:12-19 - Pastor Harlan Champoux
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03.31.2024 - Peace be with you, John 20:19-23 (Easter) - Pastor Harlan Champoux
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18151 Saint Andrews Dr. Tehachapi  •  661.823.0799  •
Sunday Services @ 8:30am & 10:30am
Office Hours: Tues.-Thurs. 8am - 3pm
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